Chairman Message

As all of you are aware the co-operative movement emerged and flourished in Maharashtra and it has become a distinct feature of our economy. The contribution made by co-operative units to the all sided development of Maharashtra is commendable. Admittedly, this success of co-operative movement in Maharashtra is stigmatized by failures of some of the co-operative units. However, we need not disheartened by it. We visualize a still brighter future for this movement in Maharashtra.

This year we have quite a few achievements to our credit and with this favorable background, we hope to do better in the financial year 2023-24. The success which the Bank has achieved is the result of co-operative endeavor made by all of us. We take this opportunity to express on behalf of the Board of Directors and selves our sincere feelings of gratitude towards all those who have contributed directly and indirectly to this success. We are grateful to Prof. Dr. Shivajirao Kadam, Chancellor of Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University for his keen interest in the working of the Bank and for his practical advice. Hon`ble Minister Dr. Vishwajit Patangrao Kadam (Co-operation and Agriculture, Maharashtra State) Pro-Chancellor, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University contributed with his pragmatice approach for the progress of the bank. During the year, we got full co-operation from the authorities of Reserve Bank of India, Department of Co-operation and Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, Department of Co-operation, Government of Maharashtra, Commissioner for Co-operation and Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Maharashtra State. We sincerely thank all of them for the same. We would also like to record our   sincere thanks to the authorities  of  various other banks and Associations of Banks including Maharashtra State Co-operative Bank, Mumbai, Pune Zilha Nagari Banks Association, District Central Co-operative Banks of Pune, Sangli, Kolhapur, Satara Districts, HDFC Bank, Bank of India, IDBI Bank, The Shamrao Vithal Co-op. Bank Ltd., and Maharashtra Rajya Nagari Sahakari Banks Association, Maharashtra Rajya Sahakari Banks Federation, IIBF, NPCI, FIU-India.

We are thankful to all members of Board of Directors for their guidance and co-operation in running the Bank and banks` concurrent auditors 1) M/s. Bahirat Patil Bhaygude & Co., Chartered Accountant, Pune 2) M/s. A. S. Deo & Co., Chartered Accountant, Pune 3) M/s. K. V. Thombare & Co., Chartered Accountant, Miraj 8) M/s. Shakti Pawar & Co., Chartered Accountant, Vita 4) M/s. Shashikant More & Co., Chartered Accountant, Karad. We owe our sincere thanks to our legal advisors, Adv. N. K. Khasbardar, Adv. A. V. Lokhande, Adv. S. H. Jadhav Adv. S. J. Khurjekar and Adv. S.B. Khurjekar and We would like to record our deep appreciation of the co-operation given by Shri. Sarjerao Patil, Managing Director and all his colleagues in the Corporate Office of the Bank, as well as the Branch Managers and the employees in the various branches of the Bank. They worked with a sense of dedication and commitment. The team spirit brought about all round progress of the Bank. We are sure that they will continue to work with the same enthusiasm and dedication in future too.  While thanking all our shareholders, depositors, other clients and well-wishers, we would like to open our minds on certain issues. We run this Bank as their Trustees. The depositors have their faith in our abilities, sincerity, honesty and social commitment. We would like to reassure them that we will not do anything, which will betray their trust in us.

We would like to request all our borrowers / members for their co-operation in repayment of loans. The money, which has been given as a loan to the borrowers, is the money of the depositors. Unless the borrowers are careful about the repayment of their loans, no bank would be able to pay back the money to its depositors. This link between the depositors, the bank and the borrowers needs to be maintained. If it gets disturbed, the functioning of the bank gets affected. We would like to remind the borrowers that it is your Bank and its success depends upon your co-operation.

Lastly, we express our deep sense of gratitude to all those who have helped this Bank directly and indirectly in capturing the high pinnacles of success and we hope they will cherish the same warm feelings towards us in future too

CA Bhau Bhagwant Kad

Chairman and Expert Director